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Community Partners

If there is a single theme throughout the literature we have read, it is that vibrant, abundant, and healthy communities are built on caring, engaged, and welcoming human relationships.  Below are members of the Eau Claire community who exemplify this requisite building block of community and who shared their stories and perspectives with our class.  Their dedicated service to our local community provides a glimpse into the great diversity and variety of contributions that go into community building. 


Through them, we saw that community requires commitment to people and place, it is the collective, cumulative, and shared contributions of individual dreams, passions, and energies. Community doesn't just happen, it takes commitment and perseverance. It is an ability and a willingness to identify needs and act on them, sometimes alone.  We thank these partners for helping to make Eau Claire the community we appreciate, for their efforts to make it better, and for taking time this Covid semester to inspire and encourage us.  Please find time to support, learn from, and work with them and the many others working to build community in Eau Claire. Social media links for community partners and their organizations are provided as available.

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GEOG 368 Field Seminar, Spring 2021 -- The Geography of Community, with Dr. Paul Kaldjian

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